THere was a king of the sun a person with him its me the king said get al the things wealth the you want I don't need it I was wondering why in a moment will holding the wealth why doesn't the king let go of his wealth take only the position of the king a nameless king without wealth.
In interpreting this dream, it seems to represent a desire for power and material wealth. The dreamer envisions themselves as a king, representing a position of authority and prominence. The king in the dream expressed a willingness to give away all their wealth, symbolizing a lack of attachment to material possessions.
The dreamer's confusion arises when they question why the king would not let go of their wealth and assume a position of authority without the material attachments. This may suggest that the dreamer is reflecting on the idea that true power and influence should not be defined solely by material possessions. It could indicate a yearning for a more meaningful and fulfilling existence beyond material accumulation.
Overall, this dream may be prompting the dreamer to examine their priorities and consider whether they are placing too much importance on material wealth, questioning if there is more to life than just acquiring possessions. It highlights the need for a balance between power, wealth, and personal fulfillment.